DL Hughley on Colin Kaepernick: Blacks don’t get Sunday off from racism

Many people, both black and white, have had enough of Americans caring more about Colin Kaepernick sitting during a song than they care about the plight of black Americans. Even when those black Americans are being killed. DL Hughley is one of those upset by this current trend.

Hughley was being interviewed by Chris Cuomo on CNN when he said people have the right to criticize Kaepernick if they want to but asked why the same fans don’t care more about the fact that unarmed African-Americans are being gunned down in the street by police.

“You’ll see people come out and say… they are opposed to what Kaepernick is doing,” he stated. “None of those people come out and say anything when people are being brutalized.”

See Also: Colin Kaepernick receives backlash from white fans after refusing to stand for National Anthem

He went on to muse that people are probably upset because they see sports as an escape from reality, and they don’t like to see it encroach upon the game.

“Football is an escape, and black people oftentimes don’t get an escape from reality,” he said. “Reality confronts us all the time, there’s no Sunday off.”

He also used the interview to take some more pot shots at Trump. He stated to Cuomo that Trump winning the presidency in November would be like Flavor Flav winning a spelling bee.

“His whole premise is, ‘I’ll do something I’ve never done before, and I’ll do it well,’” he said. “This is silly to me.”


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