High school’s ‘racist’ Trump wall prank met with apologies

On Monday, the principal and the students of Colleyville Heritage High School apologized for a “racist” banner at a pep rally on Friday.

The banner, which depicted a wall and included the words “paid for by Trinity,” was aimed at the opposing school, Trinity High School, which has been called the most diverse of Texas’ schools. Many people who saw the banner felt that it was derogatory toward the school for its diversity.

“On behalf of everyone here, I’m sorry,” said Lance Groppel, Colleyville Heritage’s principal. “We made a mistake and we have to learn from it going forward.”

The students at Colleyville also wrote a letter of apology to the Trinity students, saying, “The actions of last week do not demonstrate who we are. We are not ignorant of the dialogue taking place across the nation and that is not how we want our school to be viewed.”

The theme of the pep rally was “Make Colleyville Great Again.” School officials approved the theme, but signs and banners were apparently not subject to review.

Prior to the apologies being issued, Colleyville City Councilman Bobby Lindamood Jr. took to Facebook to say that it was the Trinity students who were engaging in racist behavior and that they had “hammered out loud … about beating the ‘Trump’ ‘rich’ ‘white’ kids, so in retrospect the CHHS kids made fun of the derogatory comments and acted like they were on the Trump train.”

Lindamood later deleted the post.

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