Artist transports Rosa Parks’ Detroit home to Germany

Rosa Parks’ home was facing destruction and demolition, so a Berlin-based artist had it moved to Germany.

Ryan Mendoza, an American artist based in Berlin, had the facade of the building shipped to Germany last month and will be spending the next few months reconstructing the house in his studio in the hopes of eventually restoring it to be able to open the building for tours.

In particular, Mendoza hopes that the fact that the house is in Germany rather than in the United States will draw attention to the neglect that this historical site faced, as the family has faced difficulties raising funds for the upkeep of the house.

“I hope either President Obama or his successor will be sensitive to this issue and catch word of the house that is held hostage across the world: a monument to Rosa Parks’ legacy that was purposely kidnapped in order for America to recognize what it has lost,” Mendoza told the Guardian of his project.

He added that he was already looking at offers from several major institutions.

“The Tate Modern might be a good place to discuss the state of American affairs with this house as its centerpiece, but I feel eventually the Rosa Parks’ house should be rebuilt on the lawn in front of the White House.”

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