There’s just no way around it: Donald Trump is a creep and a pervert.
He’s essentially admitted to being a sexual predator who thinks he can do and say whatever he wants to whomever he pleases because of his wealth and white male privilege.
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In the last presidential debate, he dismissed as “locker room talk” a leaked 2005 Access Hollywood video in which he bragged about having license to grab women by the p*ssy and commit sexual assault.
Now, the New York Times is reporting that women have come forward to say Trump touched them inappropriately, while a People magazine reporter says Trump attacked her.
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The Trump campaign — run by alt-right/white nationalist champion and Breitbart exec Stephen Bannon — is responding by focusing on Bill Clinton’s accusers and turning the former president into Bill Cosby. But isn’t it time that the media turn Trump into the next Bill Cosby? The white Bill Cosby?
While Trump claims that his boasts about kissing women without permission and touching their genitals was just talk, women are coming out to back up his so-called trash talk. According to the Times, in the early 1980s, Trump sat next to Jessica Leeds, now 74, in the first class section on a flight to New York. Leeds claims that 45 minutes after takeoff, Trump lifted the armrest and touched her:
According to Ms. Leeds, Mr. Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt,” the report said.
“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.” She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.
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Then there was Rachel Crooks, who encountered Trump in 2005 when she was a 22-year old receptionist at a real estate company based in Trump Tower:
Aware that her company did business with Mr. Trump, she turned and introduced herself. They shook hands, but Mr. Trump would not let go, she said. Instead, he began kissing her cheeks. Then, she said, he “kissed me directly on the mouth.”
It didn’t feel like an accident, she said. It felt like a violation.
Speaking of the incident, Crooks also said “It was so inappropriate” and she was upset that “he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.”
Meanwhile, People writer Natasha Stoynoff says that in December 2005 — around the time of Trump’s infamous Access Hollywood interview with Billy Bush — she went to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida to interview Donald and Melania for a feature story:
We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds, he was pushing me against the wall, and forcing his tongue down my throat.
Now, I’m a tall, strapping girl who grew up wrestling two giant brothers. I even once sparred with Mike Tyson. It takes a lot to push me. But Trump is much bigger — a looming figure — and he was fast, taking me by surprise, and throwing me off balance.
I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself.
Stoynoff claims she was “in shock” and “speechless” and her “self-esteem crashed to zero” after being made to feel so violated. “You know we’re going to have an affair, don’t you?” she said Trump told her in a confident tone. “Have you ever been to Peter Luger’s for steaks? I’ll take you. We’re going to have an affair, I’m telling you.”
There have been other reports of Trump’s behavior when he owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants, of walking into a dressing room with girls as young as 15, and joking about his obligation to sleep with the contestants. In 1997, he kissed Miss Utah, Temple Taggart, on the mouth against her wishes, according to the contestant.
And as the Palm Beach Post reported, Mindy McGillivray, 36, was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago 13 years ago. “Donald just grabbed my ass!’’ the woman said.
Trump and his surrogates have denied such allegations.
This dude is sleazy.
Remember, he said he would have dated his daughter Ivanka if they weren’t related. And it is time that the media give this man the full Cosby treatment. When the dozens of accusations came in from women who said Bill Cosby sexually assaulted them, the actor and comedian became persona non grata throughout the U.S. He is avoided like the plague, like kryptonite. Universities took back the honorary degrees they bestowed upon Cosby and gave back his donations. No more “Cosby Show” reruns. And he resigned from the Board of Trustees of his alma mater, Temple University.
Faced with all of the accusations, Cosby found himself in court to answer for these sexual assault charges. But what does Trump get? A chance to become president.
Donald Trump is a predator who gropes women. He said so himself on tape. There are only two people standing in the way of Donald Trump becoming president — Hillary Clinton and apparently Trump himself.
But despite all the dirt that people had on Trump over the years — the racism, the sexism, the misogyny, and apparently the sexual criminality — the media have treated him with kid gloves this election season. That he is still taken seriously as one of the two major party candidates for the highest office in the world is a testament to the power of the whiteness.
Rich white men with power always got a pass in this society when they treated women like objects they could control, treat and handle as they desired. Now, the press appears to be making a mad rush to vet a presidential candidate who always operated from the bottom of the barrel.
Better late than never, perhaps, but will Trump get the Cosby treatment he truly deserves? It’s as good a time as any to cut the man off entirely.
Follow David A. Love on Twitter @davidalove