Kanye West, Kim Kardashian take Alton Sterling’s son out for 16th birthday

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West took Alton Sterlin's oldest son, Cameron Sterling, out for his 16th birthday on Tuesday night.

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West took Alton Sterlin’s oldest son, Cameron Sterling, out for his 16th birthday on Tuesday night.

On Wednesday, attorney Justin Bamberg, who represents Sterling’s family, tweeted out this message: “Shoutout to @kanyewest & @KimKardashian for showing 16th bday love last night to my client , eldest son of .”

West and Kardashian have been using their platforms to speak out about police brutality, and Kardashian took to her blog to speak out about this issue in the wake of Sterling’s death, which prompted nationwide protests.

–Alton Sterling’s son urges people to ‘protest in peace’–

“I want my children to grow up knowing that their lives matter,” she wrote. “I do not ever want to have to teach my son to be scared of the police, or tell him that he has to watch his back because the people we are told to trust — the people who ‘protect and serve’ — may not be protecting and serving him because of the color of his skin.”

“We must peacefully use the power of our voices and the strength of our numbers to demand changes in the judicial system so that brutality doesn’t ever go unpunished.”

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