‘Build that wall’: White students taunt black basketball players during game

Students at a Connellsville, Pennsylvania, high school thought it was a good idea to dress up for a “Hick Night” and shout taunts at black basketball players during a game.

Uniontown players were shocked when the students at Connellsville chanted things like “Build that wall!” and “Get them out of here!” evoking comparisons to Donald Trump, with one student even holding a Trump campaign sign. The students sported camouflage, baseball caps and flannel shirts.

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Tosha Walton, whose son William Deshields plays on the Uniontown team, said: “It’s bringing us to tears to see the hatred. Things should not have gone this way at this game. I have never seen so many racist and hate-fueled comments, and its breaking my heart.”

An assistant superintendent for the Connellsville school district, David McDonald, said that the school has apologized to Uniontown and that as soon as the athletic director was notified of what was going on, he stopped the behavior and spoke with the group of about 60 students, who were described as “wide-eyed” and “embarrassed” when informed of how their actions were perceived

Uniontown parents said that the behavior continued until halftime, though the athletic director claims to have stopped it immediately.

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