Trump appealing court’s ruling on immigration ban

Last Thursday, three judges with the 9th Circuit Court ruled that a halt to President Donald Trump’s immigration and travel ban would remain in place, and it looks like the administration is set to take the case further in court.

The Department of Justice filed legal papers on Monday calling for an “en banc” hearing, which would have 11 out of the 25 active judges on the circuit court voting on whether or not to reconsider the decision of the court. Only three judges ruled on the decision on Thursday.

“Further proceedings in the Ninth Circuit will likely inform what additional proceedings on a preliminary injunction motion are necessary in district court,” the Department of Justice wrote in the legal papers. “Accordingly, at this time, defendants believe the appropriate course is to postpone any further proceedings in the district court.”

In addition to the appeals process with this court, lawyers for Washington and Minnesota who sued over the travel and immigration ban are petitioning for their cases to move forward as well in order for the court to hear the case and rule on whether or not the ban is considered to be constitutional.


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