During an appearance on Van Jones’ The Messy Truth town hall series, Daily Show comedian Trevor Noah told Jones, “When I see Trump, I see a standup comedian.”
“He connects with audiences in the same way. He knows how to make you laugh in a moment when you didn’t think you would,” Noah went on to explain. “He knows how to broach a topic in a way that no one normally can.”
In particular, Noah pointed to Trump’s recent address to a joint session of Congress and the moment he pointed out the grieving wife of Navy Seal Ryan Owens.
“Trump even told a joke!… And people laughed and connected. And I was like, ‘That is scary man – that is good!’” Noah recalled.
During the town hall, Noah also spoke to the question of whether “Hollywood elites” should be giving their opinions on political matters.
“I think the question you should ask, maybe, should be framed the other way: ‘Why have the American people given the Hollywood elites the impression for so long that they look to them to shape and give their opinions on their behalf?’” Noah said.
“We can’t deny that we live in a country where, if you are a celebrity, people are looking to you for those opinions. People report on it every day: ‘This celebrity said this about Trump; this celebrity said that,” he added. “And what happens if a celebrity doesn’t speak up? People say, ‘Why aren’t you using your platform? Why don’t you speak out? And, when the person speaks out, they go, ‘Shut up. Don’t speak out!’”
He then continued on to say, “When people say ‘Hollywood elite’ I say, ‘Who is your president? Donald Trump is literally a reality TV star. He’s literally everything people say they hate.”
“Why would you hate the very thing that you have elected?”