Ebony Banks, a Texas high school student, is battling a rare stage-four cancer, but on Wednesday, she got to meet none other than Beyoncé.
Banks’ friends started the hashtag #EBOBMEETSBEYONCE in order to try to get their friend’s dream to become reality. And on Wednesday, her dream came true as the Queen Bey herself chatted with the Alief Hastings High School senior over Facetime.
“I love you!” Banks told the singer. “I love YOU!” Beyoncé replied.
My sweet baby.. Please help make her dream come true!!! ✨#EbobMeetsBeyonce @Beyonce pic.twitter.com/QBE8BkrOP0
— 🙂 (@likeyaelin) March 17, 2017
A clip of the heartwarming interaction is now going viral. Check it out below!
#Beyonce Facetimed a fan with a rare cancer disease, and their last wish was to see #QueenBey ? pic.twitter.com/0tZLSkgU2z
— theGrio.com (@theGrio) March 23, 2017