When The Daily Show’s Hasan Minhaj took the stage at the White House Correspondents dinner, he didn’t hold back from roasting President Trump or the journalists in the room. In fact, he said it looked like Donald Trump has been getting roasted for 70 years straight.
He began with bringing up the “elephant that’s not in the room,” saying Trump was “in Pennsylvania because he can’t take a joke.” He went all in on pretty much the entire administration.
“I do not see Steve Bannon,” he said, saying “not see” slowly so that it sounded more like Nazi. Then there was this gem, “Jeff Sessions couldn’t be here tonight, he was too busy doing a pre-Civil war re-enactment. On his RSVP he just wrote just wrote ‘no’ — which happens to be his second favorite N-word.”
“We are living in the golden age of lying. Now is the time to be a liar, and Donald Trump is liar-in-chief,” he said before tearing into the news outlets.
Minhaj said he was shocked that Fox News came to the event, stating, “As a Muslim, I like to watch Fox News for the same reason I like to play ‘Call of Duty.’ Sometimes I like to turn my brain off and watch strangers insult my family and heritage.”
He didn’t stop there, though; he also took shots at MSNBC and CNN. Talking about MSNBC and their coverage of Russia and Trump, he said, “I want to root for you guys, but you’re turning into conspiracy theorists. Every night you’re like ‘the Russians hacked our elections!’”
He went on to say, “I had a lot more MSNBC jokes, but I don’t want to just ramble on. Otherwise, I might get a show on MSNBC.”
— Trump not attending White House Correspondents’ Dinner —
Next up was CNN, his “favorite entertainment channel,” telling Don Lemon he needs to change the name of his show to “Wait a Second, Now Hold On, Stop Yelling at Each Other with Don Lemon.”
One of Hasan Minhaj’s best lines of the night was when he told the journalists in the room that he gets how bad they must feel when one of them screws up and they all get blamed for it.
“And now you know what it feels like,” Minhaj said, “to be a minority.”
While the White House Correspondents dinner was being held, Donald Trump was miles away in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at a rally that felt like one of his old campaign stops. He attempted to tear the media to shreds while mocking them for having the Correspondent’s dinner without his presence.
According to Trump, he “could not possibly be more thrilled” to be 100 miles away from the “Washington swamp” while celebrities, as well as media personalities, were “consoling each other in a hotel ballroom.”
He even pointed to the cameras and said that the journalists would rather be there at his rally than in Washington.
As the crowd chanted “CNN sucks,” he encouraged them, then bashed CNN and MSNBC as “fake news” once again.
“They would love to be with us here tonight,” Trump said, “but they’re trapped at the dinner which will be very, very boring.”
Much of the rally was spent bashing the media, along with popular targets like Hillary Clinton and the New York Times. He also spent a beat defending his first 100 days in office while accusing the media of both ignoring and misrepresenting his accomplishments.