Reformed racist atones with donation to South Carolina Black church

An African-American church in Greenville, South Carolina, was surprised by a $2,000 from an anonymous donor who described themselves as having once been a “terrible racist” who was trying to atone for their “former thoughts and words.”

“First, I am white and used to be a terrible racist,” the unidentified donor wrote in a typed letter accompanying the donation. “Thanks to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, acting through the Presbyterian Church, I have been cleansed of that.”

As part of his reformation, this person wanted to send the church the donation “as a heartfelt apology to the African-American community.”

“When I read the letter, I said, ‘Wow, look at how God works,” said Reverend Michael Sullivan, pastor of Nicholtown Presbyterian Church, adding, “I don’t care whether we are talking black or white, whether we are talking about Christian or Islamic –- if we can hear the heart of this man as being a heart that represents all of us, I think all of us can become better.”

Beverly Kelly, the church’s moderator of the session, said that the donation was “like a miracle” and added, “I would like to meet and have a conversation with someone who has made such a change and be able to thank them in person.”

The church plans to use the proceeds to fund a program that will help transport children to and from Sunday services.

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