Philando Castile’s mom takes to social media: ‘F**k the police’

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Philando Castile’s mom isn’t happy at all that Jeronimo Yanez, the former officer who shot her son, was cleared of manslaughter charges against him.

Valerie Castile took to Facebook to express her anger and frustration, saying in the video clip posted online:

I’m sure y’all seen this bullsh** that happened today. F*** what they talking about!. I’ve been holding myself, trying to be strong, and not say the wrong things because I already know how they get down. I’m 61 years old. I’ve seen it, I’ve smelled it, I’ve heard it. Now you see exactly what these motherf***ers think about us. They murdered my mother f***ing son with his seat belt on. So what does that say to you?

Yanez was not charged in relation to the shooting death of Castile, who was driving with his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, when he was pulled over. He had a permit for a gun that he was carrying and told officers as much as he said that he was reaching for his license and registration. However, Yanez testified that he thought Castile was reaching for his gun, despite Castile’s last words being, “I wasn’t reaching for it.”

Reynolds live-streamed the aftermath of the shooting, which catapulted the incident into the national spotlight.

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