On Wednesday afternoon, police responded to what they were sure was a joke when someone reported a man trapped in an ATM.
The contractor had been working on changing the lock to a room that was attached to the ATM and got stuck inside the machine. He did not have his phone on him, so he slid messages to customers through the receipt slot asking for help: “Please help. I’m stuck in here and I don’t have my phone. Please call my boss at 210-***-****.”
Most people thought that it was an elaborate prank, but thankfully for the contractor, one person did take him seriously and called for help.
As Senior Officer Richard Olden told Action 10 News, “We come out here, and sure enough we can hear a little voice coming from the machine. So we are thinking this is a joke. It’s got to be a joke.”
Eventually, police had to kick down the door to get the contractor out. The man was not harmed, but he was trapped in the machine for two hours before he was freed.
“Everyone is okay, but you will never see this in your life, that somebody was stuck in the ATM, it was just crazy,” said Olden.
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