On Monday, one day after news surfaced that White House adviser Jared Kushner had used a private email account for official business, the news came to light that at least six advisers had used private email accounts.
According to both former and current officials, in addition to Kushner, Steve Banner, Rience Priebus, Gary D. Cohn and Stephen Miller all used private email accounts for White House business. What’s more, Ivanka Trump also used a private account while she was working as an unpaid adviser, Newsweek reported. Officials believe she continued to use that account after becoming an official adviser.
The revelations are particularly shocking, given the fact that the use of private emails for official business was a huge matter of contention during the 2016 presidential election. Then-candidate Donald Trump repeatedly called for Hillary Clinton to be jailed for her email scandal and has continued to pressure the Department of Justice to investigate her despite the investigation being closed.
“All White House personnel have been instructed to use official email to conduct all government related work,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said on Monday in response to the reports. “They are further instructed that if they receive work-related communication on personal accounts, they should be forwarded to official email accounts.”