Police are now investigating after seeing video shared on Snapchat that had white student athletes from a Virginia school pinning down black students and simulating sex while shouting racist slurs at them.
Parents are outraged at the incident that happened on October 13 in the Short Pump Middle School locker room. Advocate groups want more than police intervention, they want a federal investigation launched into what happened.
One parent described what happened as white players holding down black kids while “dry humping them” and shouting racist comments.
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“What’s up with you blacks,” one student asks in the video.
Another student says, “We gonna f— the black outta these African-American children from Uganda.”
Principal Thomas McAuley has said he finds the actions in the Snapchat video “appalling, disturbing and inexcusable.” He also said he hopes to put procedures in place to keep this from ever happening again in the future.
“We will include staff, parent, administrator and student representatives in this dialogue,” his letter reads. “Our hope is to use this very unfortunate event as a meaningful learning opportunity.”
The Short Pump Middle School football team has been forced to forfeit the rest of the season as a result of this incident coming to light. Practices will still be held.
“A mandatory component of practices will be discussions that focus on reporting responsibilities, accountability, ethics, sexual harassment and racial tolerance.”