Students mock Freddie Gray’s death for Halloween

Several students have come under fire for racially insensitive Halloween costumes, including one portraying Freddie Gray.

According to the Baltimore Sun, a graduate of the Boys’ Latin School of Maryland wore an orange jumpsuit with “Freddie Gray” on the back of it during a party off-campus at the College of Charleston in South Carolina.

Another group of students, from Gilman School and Roland Park Country School, were pictured wearing orange jumpsuits, with a caption posted to social media reading, “N—-s broke out,” according to CBS.

Another student, this one at St. Paul’s School, was pictured with a swastika and a racial slur painted on his bare back. The school has responded with a statement saying that it “does not tolerate any form of hate or discrimination.”

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake also responded on social media, writing, “Heartbroken. Disappointed. Frustrated.”

The mayor also mentioned her daughter, who attends Roland Park, writing, “It will undoubtedly be a rough day for my daughter tomorrow. Praying I find the words to help her make sense of this nonsense.”

Officials from all of the schools involved have promised to investigate the images of these offensive costumes, but in the meantime, this is sadly not the last we’re going to see of this kind of thing this Halloween.

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