A new Change.org petition is calling for a review of the recent sentence that has thrown Meek Mill in state prison for at least two years.
The petition calls for Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf to review the two- to four-year sentence passed down to the Philly rapper for violating his probation in relation to a drug and gun case that is almost a decade old.
Many people have decried the sentencing by Judge Genece Brinkley as unjust and harsh.
–Did Judge give Meek Mill tough prison sentence over petty vendetta?–
“Meek Mill has been a powerful voice in the community for our youth. He has made positive contributions to many communities and programs, dedicating time and money to the cultivation of our youth and neighborhoods; even through his own adversities,” the petition reads. “He has continued to be dedicated and shown an immaculate work ethic, even at times when the system tried to prevent him from being able to tour, which is how he makes a living.”
“The judicial system is adamant that defendants work in order to be productive citizens, but at times, made it difficult for him to be able to work. However, he still remained dedicated to making a difference not just in his city of Philadelphia, but worldwide,” it continues.
“He has inspired not only his fans, but anyone who has come in contact with him, to keep moving forward regardless of their past, through his music, interviews, community service and energy. He has adhered to several rules and regulations as a part of his parole such as: reporting to and passing mandatory drug tests, community service, meeting with his parole officer, and reporting his whereabouts and obtaining permission prior to leaving the city.”
The petition currently has over 200,000 signatures.