Should Bill Clinton have resigned over sexual misconduct?
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand sparks debate about former POTUS' storied past
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand sparks debate about former POTUS' storied past

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, the senator from New York who holds the Senate seat once held by Hillary Clinton, believes that former president Bill Clinton should have resigned over his sexual misconduct.
On Thursday, when asked if Clinton should have stepped down almost two decades ago, she replied, “Yes, I think that is the appropriate response.”
She also noted that the response to Clinton’s actions was different back then, and a spokesperson later clarified that she was pointing out the fact that Clinton’s actions in today’s era would have led to a resignation.
“Things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances there should be a very different reaction,” Gillibrand said. “And I think in light of this conversation, we should have a very different conversation about President Trump, and a very different conversation about allegations against him.”
–Bill Clinton’s first novel being turned into TV series–
Gillibrand also expressed her disappointment over the news that Senator Al Franken was accused of and apologized for groping and kissing a radio host without her consent.
“It’s very disturbing,” she said. “I was very disappointed. But it’s important that survivors are coming out and speaking truth to power and telling their stories.”
Gillibrand has said that she will donate all the funds received by her campaign from Mr. Franken’s political action committee to Protect Our Defenders, which helps military victims of sexual assault.
She has been a longtime advocate for the rights of victims and on Thursday also introduced the “Me Too Congress Act” to address sexual misconduct in Congress itself.
“What the ‘Me Too’ movement has done is transform this debate,” Ms. Gillibrand said. “I think because, when you have hundreds of thousands of people coming out every day about all industries saying, ‘This is what happened to me,’ I think a lot of people have finally realized, ‘Wow, I didn’t quite realize this.’”
“We never had a conversation this important. It couldn’t come too soon.”