How not to go broke while doing holiday shopping
Stick to these tips and you will be able to focus more on the spirit of the holiday instead of the cost of it.
Stick to these tips and you will be able to focus more on the spirit of the holiday instead of the cost of it...

The holiday season means entertaining guests, decorating and, of course, gift buying. Stores definitely play their part offering deals and discounts to attract everyone to their stores, all to get you to spend more money than you intend to.
Just in time, here are a few tips so you can save more money than you spend this holiday season:
Leave the plastic at home
Shop around
Use coupons and discounts
Travel Smart
Decide before you leave the house what you will buy
Find free Christmas activities
Try discount stores
Try layaway
Holiday Tipping
Jennifer Streaks is a financial journalist and author. Learn more at her website and follow her on Twitter @JStreaks.