Clever Girl Scout sells more than 300 boxes of cookies at San Diego marijuana dispensary

Girl Scout cookie season is upon us and it has started out with a bang for at least one clever little girl in San Diego.
A photo was posted to Instagram by Urbn Leaf, a San Diego marijuana dispensary, that showed a Girl Scout selling an armful of cookies in front of their store.
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“Get some Girl Scout Cookies with your GSC today until 4 p.m.! Have a friend that wants to #tagalong? Bring them with – shopping is more fun with friends anyways,” they captioned.
The “GSC” they were referring to in their social media post is a flavor of marijuana.
According to the little girl’s father, she sold over 300 boxes in just six hours.
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Girl Scouts San Diego say that they will not be setting up booth sales for a week but the individual Scouts are permitted to sell from wagons as long as they are with a guardian.
“So if that’s what they say they were doing … then they were right within the rules,” said the Scout’s dad.
The move is somewhat controversial, back in 2014 Girl Scouts of America Colorado had to issue a statement after one Scout sold over 100 boxes in two hours outside a dispensary.
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“If you are wondering, we don’t allow our Girl Scouts to sell cookies in front of marijuana shops or liquor stores/bars,” the organization’s Colorado branch posted on Twitter.
Kelly Parisi, chief communications officer from Girl Scouts of the USA, told the LA Times that every region makes their own “decisions on how the cookie program is run. As always, our primary concern is the safety and well-being of the girls we serve.”
Girl Scouts all across the nation started selling their famous cookies last month and will continue to do so, sometimes in front of marijuana dispensaries, through April.
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