Maxine Waters defends Oprah against Trump ‘insecure’ Twitter attack

Maxine Waters thegrio
(Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images)

Recently, Donald Trump attacked Oprah Winfrey on Twitter, calling her “insecure” and Maxine Waters has a few things to say in response.

“Just watched a very insecure Oprah Winfrey, who at one point I knew very well, interview a panel of people on 60 Minutes. The questions were biased and slanted, the facts incorrect. Hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated just like all of the others!” Trump tweeted over the weekend.

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But Representative Maxine Waters thinks that’s patently ridiculous.

“What? Oprah insecure? I don’t think so. As a matter of fact, Oprah is richer than you are. Deal with that. Not true? Show your tax returns!” Auntie Maxine tweeted on Tuesday.

Seeing as Trump hasn’t released his tax returns, he can’t even dispute the tweet from Maxine Waters. Well played, Auntie Maxine.

Oprah’s response

During an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres‘ talk show, Oprah revealed her initial reaction to Donald Trump calling her insecure.

“I don’t like giving negativity power, so I just thought, ‘What?’” she told Ellen when the tweet came up in conversation.

She went on to say that she and the producers had worked hard and done their homework on Sunday’s 60 Minutes segment, where she talked to a panel of voters in Grand Rapids, MI. The people selected for the panel were supporters and detractors of President Trump and they offered a diverse set of opinions.

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The 14-member group discussed a range of issues including #MeToo, the shithole countries comment, and tax reform.

“What I actually really did was I went back and looked at the tape to see if there was any place that, that could be true,” Oprah said when Ellen DeGeneres asked if she thought Trump’s bias claim had any validity.

In the end, Oprah feels she did a good job.

“I was working very hard to do the opposite of what I was hate tweeted about so, it’s okay,” she said.

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