Police called on ‘suspicious’ Black family enjoying meal at Subway

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A Black family grabbing a bite to eat at a Georgia Subway restaurant unexpectedly got a visit from the Coweta County cops after an employee said they looked suspicious.

The Dobson family were surprised when police showed up and told them an urgent 911 call had been placed and an employee complained that the family was using the restroom too much and putting water in soda cups.

Seriously, Subway?

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Felicia and Othniel Dobson were traveling home to North Carolina with their children— ages 8, 12, 13, and 19—and the children’s aunt when they stopped at Subway for a meal on the long journey home.

The Dobson’s said they didn’t do anything wrong and believe it was a blatant case of racism—which has become pretty commonplace for white folks to call the cops on black people for no apparent reason.

Again, 911 is not customer service for white people.

An employee called the cops saying: “I need somebody to come through here please, ASAP. Now,” the employee said. “There’s about eight people in a van, and they’ve been in the store for about an hour. They keep going back and forth to the bathrooms by my back door.”

The family of seven were rightly offended.

“I have a 24-year-old sister who’s a recent graduate of North Carolina A&T (State University). My daughter’s 19. She’s entering sophomore year at Wake Forest University,” Felicia Dobson said.

“I don’t think she ever felt threatened,” Dobson said. “We can’t change our skin color. I have great kids. I have a great family.”

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When the police officer showed up and investigated and reviewed the situation, he apologized and told them an employee got suspicious. The employee then told the police they had been robbed before and suspected that the family would rob her.

Subway franchisee Rosh Patel sent Channel 2 Action News a statement that says:

“I take this very seriously, and I am fully investigating. I have also used this opportunity to reiterate to my staff the importance of making everyone feel welcome.”

The owner apologized to the Dobson family and placed the employee on leave.

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