Black Woman’s clapback to slut-shaming reverend goes viral

Samirah Raheem

A video that shows a young woman refusing to let conservative Reverend Jesse Peterson slut shame her has now gone viral with viewers all over the country asking, “Who’s that girl?”

Last year, model Samirah Raheem was interviewed by the reverend during Amber Rose’s 2017 Slut Walk last, but for some reason the video is now making the rounds on the internet.

In the clip Peterson is clearly trolling her and attempting to get a rise (or at the very least an adverse reaction) out of her, but she expertly avoids taking the bait, owned every part of who she is and also put the him in his place.

Peterson is a well known conservative shock jock who has done wild things in the past like thanked white folks for slavery, so this isn’t his first time pulling these antics, but he wasn’t ready for the likes of Raheem.

When he bluntly asks if she is a slut, she proudly responds in the affirmative.

“Yes, we are all sluts. You’re a slut, all these dudes behind you are sluts. Your camera man’s a slut, your PA [production assistant]’s a slut. And your mic’s a slut,“ she responds.

Then she schools him on why she doesn’t allow that word to hold power over her.

“Because I own my body. My body is not a political playground, it’s not a place for legislation,” she says. “It’s mine, and it’s my future.”

The positive feedback she’s received from the video has been so overwhelming she took to Instagram to thank everyone for their support.

“I was often ashamed of being opinionated and louder than most,” she wrote. “I tried to make myself smaller to fit into social circles.”

She finished: “I genuinely thank you guys for your overwhelming love & support. There’s no more hiding. Thank y’all for forcing me to step into my unapologetic tongue.”

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