Cory Booker slams Trump for his ‘moral vandalism’ in wake of more media attacks from the White House

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) took aim at President’s Donald Trump’s unrelenting attacks on the media, calling out his behavior as “moral vandalism."

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Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) took aim at President’s Donald Trump’s unrelenting attacks on the media, calling out his behavior as “moral vandalism” that erodes the basic democracy of this country, reports the Huffington Post.

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Booker criticized the Trump administration’s failure to support the free press after Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to acknowledge the that media is not an enemy of the people when asked about it at a press briefing by CNN reporter Jim Acosta.

Said Booker: “Just yet another example of the moral vandalism of this president,” Booker continued.

“He continues to assault basic ideals of democracy. Those are things that dictators have said. It’s just really hurtful, I think, to anyone who believes in the fundamental freedoms of this country.”

Trump has used Twitter to verbally assault reporters and even athletes , and he often calls the media the enemy of the people. He also regularly refers to reputable news outlets like CNN and the New York Times as “fake news.”

In an interview at Netroots Nation in New Orleans this past weekend, Booker spoke out about the White House refusal to denounce Trump’s rhetoric.

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Taking the High Road

“It’s just a shame that they can’t as a team, the White House team, really denounce that,” the senator told me during the interview, which aired on SiriusXM Progress.

“We’ve got to stop attacking each other as a country and make other people understand that this nation is a nation for all people, for all ideas, for all religions, for all faiths. All political perspectives are welcome in this country.”

“My urgency in this moment is not to attack Republicans,” Booker said. “My urgency in this moment is to try to attack apathy and indifference.” 

Booker, who is reportedly considering a run for President in 2020 was speaking at a progressive conference that has been criticized by Congressman Steve Scalise (R-La.), who said the Democrats were “visit[ing] the Big Easy to tout their radical agenda.” 

In response to the criticism, Booker took the high road.

“You know what? I don’t have a response for that,” he said. “And you know, you don’t need to attend every argument you’re invited to. The reality is that I’m here with incredible Americans who love their country just as much as the people who meet at CPAC [the Conservative Political Action Conference].

Keep going high when they go low!