Houston grandmother shoots masturbating burglar

A Houston woman shot a man attempting to break in her home all the while getting handsy with his genitals as he rode a bike through her neighborhood, won’t get charged, the Houston Chronicle reports.
The man, Clarence Johnson, 39, dubbed the “Masturbating Bicyclist” was reportedly riding through the 69-year-old woman’s neighborhood when she saw him performing the lewd as she took out the trash.
The woman yelled for him to stop masturbating, but he continued. Johnson then followed the woman to her front door and attempted to break into the woman’s home after she entered, said Police Department Lt. Larry Crowson.
“She told him stay away and not come in the house or she would get a gun and shoot him,” Crowson said.
The 69-year-old gun-toting Houston grandmother warned that she was packing, but the perpetrator persisted.
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She then fired a shot through her front door, hitting the man in his stomach.
The masturbating bandit then tried to run and hop on his bike and pedal away, but he collapsed, Crowson said. Paramedics rushed him to Ben Taub Hospital in critical condition.
The man is expected to recover.
The Houston woman hasn’t been charged and is working with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.
Johnson, however, has some explaining to do and he faces several charges from the lewd incident.
Crowson said, he was out on bond for a separate indecent exposure charge from about a week ago, where he was walking around downtown butt naked.
“I would have done the same thing if it were my house,” said one neighbor, who asked to not be identified.
“Protect your family. She did what she had to do.”
“Ain’t no telling what else he was going to do or what he’s got. She was protecting her property.”
Crowson also said the woman’s 14-year-old granddaughter was at home as well during the ordeal.
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