Who runs the White House? Omarosa threatens to drop more bombs about Trump administration
She claims that not only is Trump clueless about what occurs at the White House, but so are most of his senior staff members.

Sources say that Omarosa Manigault-Newman is preparing to throw Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner under the bus and has secret recordings of them too, Politico reports.
READ MORE: Trump claims ‘Apprentice’ producer confirmed there’s no n-word tape but Omarosa disagrees
Manigault-Newman, a former White House insider, is on a media blitz promoting her Unhinged book about President Donald Trump, revealing his racism and dishonesty through a number of secret records and promising to drop many more. Manigault-Newman’s claims about the president’s alleged unstable mental condition and covert taping of her firing has sent the commander-in-chief into a tweeting rage.
The source says Ivanka and Kushner called Manigault-Newman to console her a day after chief of staff John Kelly kicked her to the curb. They also said the couple, who are senior advisors, claimed they didn’t know she would be fired. Kushner and Ivanka tape, the source said, would show that they offered emotional support. Manigault-Newman believes this further supports her claim that not only is Trump clueless about what occurs at the White House, his most senior personnel are out of the loop too.
“Donald Trump has no idea what’s going on in the White House,” she said.
Manigault Newman believes that Kelly’s firing shows a breach in ethics since he was caught on tape alluding to the fact that her reputation would be damaged if she didn’t go away quietly.
“I’d like to see this be a friendly departure,” Kelly says on the tape. “There are pretty significant legal issues that we hope don’t develop into something that, that’ll make it ugly for you.”
Manigault Newman then inquires about if the President was aware of what was taking place, to which Kelly replies:
“The staff, and everybody on the staff, works for me and not the president.”
While Manigault-Newman dangles a carrot saying she’s got Trump on tape spewing the n-word, the president denies it and says an Apprentice producer on Mondayconfirms no such tapes exist.
“[The Apprentice producer] Mark Burnett called to say that there are NO TAPES of the Apprentice where I used such a terrible and disgusting word as attributed by Wacky and Deranged Omarosa,” Trump tweeted on Monday morning.
He has also called Manigault-Newman a low-life and a dog who no one at the White House liked.
It remains to be seen what insults he will hurl in light of the alleged tapes she has of his favorite daughter and son-in-law.