Tiger Woods returns to sunken place defending Trump friendship

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Tiger Woods has proven once again that he’s not a part of the culture. After once proclaiming he’s not black but instead a “Cablinasian,” he’s now made it known that Trump’s constant attack on people of color doesn’t seem to faze him.  

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On Sunday, during a news conference following Woods’ final-round at The Northern Trust, Woods was reportedly asked by a reporter: “At times, especially 2018, I think a lot of people, especially immigrants (of color) are threatened by him (Trump) and his policy — what do you say to people who might find it interesting that you have a friendly relationship with him?”

Woods answered, sealing his full support of Trump’s racist policies.

“He’s the President of the United States. You have to respect the office. No matter who is in the office, you may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect the office.”

He went on to admit that he enjoys a close relationship with Trump.

“We’ve played golf together. We’ve had dinner together. I’ve known him pre-presidency and obviously during his presidency,” said Woods when asked to about his relationship with Trump.

The bromance continued online with Trump tweeted in support of Woods’ misguided comment and taking his side.

 “The Fake News Media worked hard to get Tiger Woods to say something that he didn’t want to say. Tiger wouldn’t play the game – he is very smart. More importantly, he is playing great golf again!”

We all know that if Woods had said something not flattering he would have been called a dog or some other nasty derogatory comment that POTUS typically hurls at people of color that disagree with him.

Needless to say Tiger continues to remain uninvited to the cookout.

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