Mississippi high school band under fire for performance showing guns drawn on fake SWAT officers

Mississippi high school band thegrio.com

A school in Mississippi is under fire after videos of the school’s band members holding fake guns during a halftime performance raised eyebrows and caused outrage.

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Member of the Forest Hill High School’s band in Jackson went viral after a football game performance showed students dressed as medical personnel like doctors and nurses, pointing semi-automatic weapons at fake SWAT police, WLBT reports.

To add insult to injury, the school was playing a game against Brookhaven High School and just last week two Brookhaven police officers were killed while on duty responding to a 911 call.

On Saturday, Jackson Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Errick L. Greene released a statement:

“On behalf of the Jackson Public School (JPS) District, I want to offer my deep and sincere apologies for the performance by the Forest Hill High School band during Friday’s football half-time show in Brookhaven. Based loosely on the movie, “John Q,” the band’s performance depicted a hostage scene that included toy guns.

“JPS has a great deal of respect and appreciation for our law enforcement partners. The band’s performance does not depict the values and people in our community, and was incredibly insensitive to the students, families, law enforcement officials and the entire Brookhaven community. For this we sincerely apologize to all, and we pledge to do better in the future.

“We have taken some initial actions in response to this matter, and you have my commitment that we will investigate it fully and take additional appropriate action with respect to procedures and personnel.”

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The Mississippi Department of Public Safety released a statement as well.

“The Mississippi Department of Public Safety is extremely disturbed by Forest Hill’s leadership approving and allowing their band to display a reenactment of violence against law enforcement at a high school football game in Brookhaven, MS. This is highly inappropriate considering the recent loss of two Brookhaven Police officers to senseless violence,” said Commissioner Marshall Fisher.

“This only exacerbates the war against law enforcement in our nation. Mimicking acts of violence against law enforcement, or members of the public should never be condoned at a high school football game or any function whatsoever. The Governor’s School Safety Task Force is currently working to reduce school violence which is at an all-time high. I have to question whoever made this decision in regards to what message they are sending to our children.”

The Mayor of Jackson has reportedly apologized to the mayor of Brookhaven.

The band director has been placed on administrative leave.

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