Maxine Waters taking over Finance Committee is Trump’s worst nightmare and a dream come true for us

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The reckoning is on its way!

After calling Rep. Maxine Waters all kinds of dumb, don’t expect our favorite auntie to take her time launching an investigation into President Donald Trump’s finances when she becomes chair of the House Financial Services Committee now that the Dems rule the House of Representatives.

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She’s ready and so are we.


The venerable California Democrat who won yet another congressional term, is one of the strongest critics of Trump, has battled with the President and endured insult after insult since he Trump took office. From referring to Waters as having a low-IQ to calling her crazy and corrupt, Trump has been non-stop in his verbal assaults against Waters, dishing out disrespect almost daily.

And now the chickens are now coming home to roost and surely Waters is strapping up her boots and gearing up to put the petty President in check. As Chairwoman, Waters now has the power to subpoena Trump’s tax returns and delve into the long-standing mystery of what he’s hiding.

Trump broke with tradition and refused to release his tax transcript when running for President.

Trump recently issued a nasty threat Waters way on June 25 when he said she “called for harm” to his supporters. He fired back saying, “be careful what you wish for Max!”

Waters was the target of vicious death threats on her life after Trump targeted her online following her speech to supporters earlier this year urging them to confront members of his administration over his racist policies.

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The fiery congressman launched a scorching clapback against Trump saying to anyone making threats: “if you shoot me you better shoot straight.”

Waters said she was reclaiming her time, and we’re sure she won’t waste a minute taking Trump to task!

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