R. Kelly broke? R&B hitmaker doesn’t have cash to post $100K bail

After years of intoxicating young girls with expensive gifts and paying their bills, the money train doesn't seem long enough to get him out of jail

R. Kelly turned himself in to authorities and was given a $1 million bond, but does not have enough money to pay the $100K needed to get out.

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Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

On Friday, R. Kelly turned himself in to authorities after being hit with 10 counts of sexual abuse against four women, and was given a $1 million bond by a Chicago judge on Saturday.

But according to published reports, the R&B hitmaker is unable to immediately post bail. His lawyer Steve Greenberg has informed officials that he doesn’t have the cash to make bond available.

Read More: R. Kelly bail set at $1 million during jam-packed bond hearing attended by family members of the victims

Greenberg also noted during Friday’s press conference that his client is innocent of the charges leveled against him by the alleged victims; three of whom were reportedly between the ages of 13 and 17 at the time of the alleged assault, according to Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.

“Right now he’s presumed innocent,” Greenberg said according to CNN. “We haven’t seen any reason to believe that these allegations are credible. Mr. Kelly is strong, he’s got a lot of support and he’s going to be vindicated on all these charges—one by one if it has to be.”

Not only did Kelly, through his attorney, deny the allegations on Friday, but said that the “women are lying.”

Read More: Chicago prosecutors moving to arrest R. Kelly after Michael Avenatti turned over new underage sex tape

“The allegations aren’t true because he never knowingly had sex with an underage woman, he never forced anyone to do anything, he never held anyone captive, he never abused anyone,” Greenberg said in a January interview with The Associated Press.

R. Kelly (born Robert Kelly) has been shrouded by sexual abuse allegations for the past two decades and more alleged victims have emerged in the wake of the Lifetime documentary Surviving R. Kelly, which premiered in January.

Read More: Michael Avenatti reveals third sex tape showing R. Kelly and underage girl

Since the controversial doc aired, three tapes of Kelly allegedly sexually abusing underage girls have surfaced, courtesy of the efforts of attorney Michael Avenatti.

“Steve Greenberg said Saturday after a judge set Kelly’s bond at $1 million that Kelly “is a rock star. He doesn’t have to have nonconsensual sex.” And yet that’s exactly what he did for over two decades – engaged in sexual assault of countless underage girls who cannot consent.” Avenatti wrote on Twitter Sunday.

Avenatti previously dropped the bombshell that Kelly was acquitted of child pornography charges in 2008 because the case was rigged.

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