‘I got treated like trash’ Miami police violently arrest Black woman who called for help after white man threatens her with a gun

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TheGrio has launched a special series called #BlackonBlue to examine the relationship between law enforcement and African-Americans. Our reporters and videographers will investigate police brutality and corruption while also exploring local and national efforts to improve policing in our communities. Join the conversation, or share your own story, using the hashtag #BlackonBlue.

A disturbing video of Miami-Dade police officers brutally arresting a Black woman who called them for help has prompted an internal investigation.

One of the officers involved in the March 5 encounter has been suspended, Yahoo reports.

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Two friends, Dyma Tera Loving and Adrianna Green, were walking past the home of their white neighbor when they called 911 for help.

The neighbor, Frank Tumm got into a heated disagreement with the two women and reportedly threatened to shoot them.

“He said he would shoot my ‘burnt black face off,’” Loving told Yahoo Lifestyle.

Terrified, the two women ran down the street and called the police for help.

However, the women claim police took Tumm’s side.

Loving said police became hostile after she said she needed to plug in her phone so she could check on her three children.

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She explained the situation in a social media post:

So yesterday me and my friend Adri Green were minding our business and this white male began to harass us as we walked up the street when we responded in a way he didn’t like he pulled a gun out in my face and told me he would shoot my burnt black ass face off my neck. I called the police and instead of them checking him and getting him together me and my friend gets interrogated like we are the ones with the gun then I ask if I can just go in the house to charge my phone.! Officer #7839 came 3rd car to the scene acting as if because he has a badge he’s oh so bad talking down upon us and acting like what we went through didn’t matter. My emotions were high I had a barrel in my face and I just wanted to talk to my kids. The officer was acting completely ignorant and hostile towards us so I felt pressure.! He said I needed to be Vaporacted or whatever which means sent to a mental hospital because I was in shock.! Officer A.Giraldo was completely wrong in every aspect in the situation. I clearly didnt get very loud until he lounged at me and became physical with me.! Anyone whose life was just threatened is going to be fuming idc what you say there is no calm when your adrenaline is going at a million miles per hour.! So instead of the man that pulled a gun out on me going to jail I wind up going to jail for disturbing the peace when my peace was disturbed just by walking down the street, I have to be harassed and my life threatened and for resisting arrest without violence .! 1 the officer was completely wrong in this situation 2 they never read me my rights 3 what’s the problem with me going to put my phone on the charger inside a house that isn’t even involved in the investigation 4 who said I can’t be emotionally stressed after all that happened this has to stop there is no way any of this should have happened but because of my skin tone for sure I’m the one being criminalized and treated like the one with the gun.! Then when she told him he could have approached me differently he said he should have tazed an unarmed civilian female that did absolutely nothing wrong.! Everyone please share share share #blacklivesmatter #benjamincrump #miamidadepolice #crookedcop #modernslavery #modernracism #miamidadecommissioner #homesteadpolicedepartment #floridacitypolicedepartment #mdpd #policebrutality

Posted by Dyma Tera Loving on Wednesday, March 6, 2019”

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Green captured the confrontation on video and Officer Alejandro Giraldo can be seen lunging at Loving and pushing her up against a fence.

“Do not touch me!” Loving can be heard yelling.

Giraldo put Loving in a chokehold and wrestled her to the ground.

Loving was arrested and charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct/disturbing.

On Thursday, police director Juan J. Perez responded to Loving’s viral arrest and issued this statement:

“I find the actions depicted on the video deeply troubling and in no way reflective of our core values of integrity, respect, service, and fairness. This is why last week, upon becoming aware of the video posted on social media, an immediate inquiry was initiated which resulted in the involved officer being relieved of duty and of his role as a field training officer. An investigation into the entire incident is currently ongoing and I upon its conclusion, I will hold those that violated any of our policies and/or procedures accountable for their actions or lack thereof.”

 “It hurt to talk for three days,” said Loving who says she has bruises. “The officer should be trained in empathy. I got treated like trash.”

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