Fox News commentator quips Nipsey, Trump meeting could have had impact; Twitterverse says ‘nah, son’
Lawrence Jones suggested such a meeting could have impact, but was quickly reminded that the rapper had little regard for the president
Conservative news journalist Lawrence Jones recently appeared on Fox & Friends, and his comments on President Donald Trump and the late Nipsey Hussle appeared to be less than welcomed by hip hop heads and non-Trump fan...

The late rapper Nipsey Hussle’s belief in management of personal finance and entrepreneurship could arguably be said to match conservative fiscal theory when it comes to watching one’s coins. But Fox News commentator Lawrence Jones got considerable backlash on social media when he invoked Nip’s name with President Trump.
Fox contributor Lawrence Jones suggests that President Trump should reach out to black voters by sitting down with Ice Cube, T.I. or Jay-Z (or Nipsey Hussle, if he was still alive) to "talk about the finances and the real issues that affect black America."
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) May 13, 2019
“You know, if Nipsey Hussle was still alive, I would say president, talk to Nipsey because he is one that’s talked about financial literacy,” Jones said during a Monday segment of Fox & Friends. “I don’t think the Black community wants the president, the politician. I think more Black folks want Donald Trump the businessman. I think that’s the person that they admire.”
Jones, who is editor-in-chief of the conservative college student-targeted website Campus Reform, also suggested that Trump consider talking to some of hip-hop’s bigger influencers who have all been vocal on political and social issues, and that a discussion with veteran rap artists could further impact the Black vote.
“If the president were to sit down with someone like Ice Cube, T.I., or Jay-Z and talk about the finances and the real issues that affect black America, I think you could see a change in the electorate.”
But many in the socialverse were none too pleased about the suggestion, and of the thought that the slain rapper should have met with the president, despite appearing on YG’s track entitled FDT (F**k Donald Trump), making his sentiment clear. Users quickly took to Twitter to express their disdain.
Today would be a really good day to blast this song at high volume in a residential MAGA neighborhood.
YG & Nipsey Hussle | FDT (F**k Donald Trump)
— Science Suburbanman (@SciSuburb) May 15, 2019
Fox News Contributor Says Nipsey Hussle, Who Performed ‘F*** Donald Trump,’ Would Support President if Still Alive #SmartNews: Why keep drama in the news, black man?.. Are you crazy?? ARE YOU CRAZY⁉️⁉️
— Arthur (@inthehouse60) May 14, 2019
Of course… from a FOX guy..
Talking about a dead guy….Bulls**t much?
Fox News Contributor Says Nipsey Hussle, Who Performed ‘F*** Donald Trump,’ Would Support President if Still Alive
— Nigel Benjamin (@NigelBenjamin4) May 13, 2019
THEY LIVE IN AN ALTENATE UNIVERSE: Fox contributor suggests Nipsey Hussle could have helped Trump earn Black voters’ support. Hussle co-wrote a song titled “F**k Donald Trump.”
— Mahogany, MBA (@Mahogany1992) May 13, 2019
Lol. There was a song composed by Nipsey Hussle that would prove otherwise. RT @balleralert: FOX News Contributor Claims Nipsey Hussle Would Support Donald Trump If He Was Still Alive
— Steven Cripberg (@DontTalkToMe512) May 13, 2019
READ MORE: Miguel gets Trump fans upset over wearing a shirt dedicated to Nipsey Hussle