Tiffany Haddish, still caught in lawsuit from ex-husband, gets 2020 court date

The successful comedian and actress is facing legal procedures that won't be a laughing matter when she has to confront her former spouse

Actress and comedian Tiffany Haddish has a court date in Texas to square off with her ex husband, The Blast is reporting, based on court documents it has obtained. Haddish and ex-husband William Stewart will meet in cou...

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Actress and comedian Tiffany Haddish has a court date in Texas to square off with her ex-husband, The Blast is reporting, based on court documents it obtained.

Haddish and former spouse William Stewart are scheduled to meet in court April 20, 2020, after battling it out in the courts for a year with no resolution.

READ MORE: Tiffany Haddish sued by ex-husband over domestic abuse claims

Their troubles escalated after Simon & Schuster published Haddish’s memoir, “The Last Black Unicorn,” which includes a chapter titled “The Ex-Husband.” In it, Haddish portrays Stewart as an abusive stalker during their five-year marriage, The Blast said. She does not include his name in the account.

Last year, Stewart sued Haddish and the publisher for more than $1 million in damages in an action claiming libel, slander and defamation, the website reports. Haddish and Stewart have been married and divorced twice, the final time in 2013, according to her memoir. Stewart disputes this, though, saying they married in 2008 and divorced in 2013, according to TMZ.

Court documents also showed that Stewart’s lawyer reached out to Haddish and the publisher to try to come to a settlement before the lawsuit was filed. Stewart believes Haddish signaled to him that an agreement was imminent in a message.

“Be patient your blessings are coming,” she responded. “Start to think positive so positive things can come your way. Because your blessings are waiting on you.”

READ MORE: Tiffany Haddish thinks ex-hubby is playing himself in defamation lawsuit against her

In court documents, Stewart’s lawyers said Haddish regularly asked her ex husband to behave aggressively, The Blast reports.

“Ms. Haddish regularly requested Mr. Stewart to become more aggressive with her during sex, including, among other things, to choke her as part of their sexual intercourse,” The Blast reports lawyers said.

Stewart also cites an interview that Haddish gave comedian Dom Irrera in 2012 in which she said Stewart never beat her up, The Blast reported.

“He never beat me up, he just choked me a little,” Stewart claimed Haddish said in the interview.

Haddish has claimed she had a temporary restraining order against Stewart but Stewart’s lawyers have said Haddish regularly requested Stewart to become violent during sex, The Blast reported.

READ MORE: Tiffany Haddish praises ex-husband who is suing her for defamation: “He’s a good person”


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