#IEndorseBernie: Bernie Sanders supporters slam New York Times snub
In a break with tradition, The Times endorsed U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren for the Democratic presidential nomination.
In a break with tradition, The Times endorsed senators Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren for the Democratic presidential nomination.

For the first time, The New York Times editorial board endorsed two candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, snubbing Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. The news sparked an uproar on social media among Sanders’ supporters, prompting #IEndorseBernie to become a trending topic.
The Times’ editorial board is known to stand behind one candidate, however, in a break of tradition chose two: Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.
READ MORE: John Legend endorses Elizabeth Warren, slams Bernie Sanders’ ‘nasty’ supporters
The Times argues that the Democratic Primary is a battle between moderates and progressives. The editorial board writes that it believes either Warren or Klobuchar would be the most progressive president in decades when it comes to the economy, healthcare and more.
Breaking: The New York Times’s editorial board has endorsed two candidates (@AmyKlobuchar and @SenWarren) for the Democratic presidential primary. https://t.co/uYfO4VsCu6 #TheWeeklyNYT
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) January 20, 2020
Citing “a time to be open to new ideas,” The Times endorsed the candidates because of their potential paths to get objectives accomplished. The board says Klobuchar is moderate, while Warren is more progressive. But both candidates are worthy of being president of the U.S.
READ MORE: Fears of Bernie Sanders win growing among Democratic establishment
While Warren’s path to the nomination is full of hurdles, The Times also notes that progressives are looking for change. And supporters “may harbor lingering concerns about a messenger as divisive as Mr. Sanders.” The paper ripped Sanders for denouncing compromise, and arguing that his only his prescriptions can be the right ones. He would be as just as divisive as Trump, the editorial states. Besides his messaging, The Times expressed concern about Sanders’ age and health.
Newsweek reports that Sanders’ supporters responded to the newspaper’s endorsement, noting that the candidate has never has cracked the top four picks for the Democratic nomination. Besides Warren and Klobuchar, “top four” picks include South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, who recently bowed out of the race.
The hashtag, #IEndorseBernie, began trending on Monday as supporters highlighted their reasons for backing Sanders.
“#IEndorseBernie because we need a government that works for all of us and not just those at the very top,” said Congressional candidate Albert Lee in a Twitter post. “B/c need empathy and compassion for all of humanity, b/c we need to end the structures that destroy people & planet for profit.”
Bernie marched with MLK
Bernie’s been fighting racism since the middle of the 20th century
Who you are and what you do, what you fought for, and who and what you fought against, is always relevant
That’s my President #IEndorseBernie pic.twitter.com/9zrxk42zlX
— Miss Carter-Shaw (@watchmyshaw) January 20, 2020
For all the ink that’s been spilled about Bernie (supposedly) struggling with black voters, the #nytimesendorsement went to two candidates who poll <10% combined in that demographic. Just sayin. #IEndorseBernie pic.twitter.com/8CUtuYTuPC
— Ԍεοϝϝ ? (@SpittingBack) January 20, 2020
While he is not The New York Times’ favorite, Mr. Sanders is not far behind former Vice President Joe Biden in national polls, with Ms. Warren in third.