Jemele Hill calls out Kraft’s support of Trump amid masks donation

When critics try to slam her on Twitter, she reminds them that the Patriot's financial support of the president cost people their lives

New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft, used his considerable wealth and connections to secure more than one million N95 masks from China for medical workers in Massachusetts and other states. Former ESPN host Jemele Hill wants you to know this is the same Kraft who is best buddies with our Commander in Chief.

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New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft, used his considerable wealth and connections to secure more than one million N95 masks from China for medical workers in Massachusetts and other states. Former ESPN host Jemele Hill wants you to know this is the same Kraft who is best buddies with our Commander in Chief.

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“This is where I remind people that Robert Kraft is friends with Donald Trump and gave to his campaign. It’s incredible the Kraft family is doing this, but hope they understand their money helped empower their ‘friend,’” Hill tweeted in reaction to the news.

Kraft and President Trump are friends, true. Yet, when Kraft secured the shipment of critically needed masks in these desperate times by using the Patriots’ private plane, some people responded to Hill’s tweet saying this is not the time for politics.

“This is where people should remind you that at this point in time who give a flying f—? Blame can be assigned later, the focus now is getting the materials needed to the people who need it. I don’t care if it’s a Trump fan or Bernie Bro, if they help people stay safe now?” tweeted Sean.

Another person asked Hill if it was “necessary” to make this about politics and encourage her to be “uplifting” instead. Hill replied, “Yes it is necessary. If we don’t critically think about how we got here, we will be back here again.”

Hill later took to the social media platform to assure her critics that she never said that his donation “wasn’t needed.” Her statement was pointing out to those celebrating his efforts that his support of Donald Trump and his “bad leadership” has cost people their lives.

The shipment of masks was brought back to Massachusetts on Thursday. It was a covert and tightly organized operation that had to first clear regulatory challenges before the crew was giving the green light to land in China, but even still, they had a certain amount of time to load the plane and head back, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“I’ve never seen so much red tape in so many ways and obstacles that we had to overcome,” Kraft told the Wall Street Journal.

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The fact that Kraft had to even go to this length to secure the masks has many criticizing the Trump administration’s lack of leadership to get personnel protective equipment to state governors. Trump has deflected any blame and said he is doing his job well and assisting state leadership.

“Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to states and hospitals by the Federal Government. Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember we are a backup for them,” he wrote on Twitter Thursday morning.

Massachusetts had nearly 8,000 confirmed coronavirus cases as of Wednesday, and 122 deaths.

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