Talk about a dream job. A candy company based in Canada is hiring a chief candy officer — and you only have to be at least 5-years-old.
AZ Central is reporting that Candy Funhouse is looking for a full- or part-time employee who lives in North America. While the job is open to kids, their parents or guardians have to apply on their behalf.
The report notes that since the listing was posted a few weeks ago, over 100,000 applications have been received. The deadline to apply is Aug. 31.
Candy Funhouse boasts on its official website that it has “the biggest online candy store in the entire world,” and encourages customers to “immerse yourself in the sweetest love language of them all, candy! At Candy Funhouse, we unite with the sweetest candy lovers all across candy land!”
It adds, “We love our customers but most of all, we love candy!”
The posting for chief candy officer says that duties include leading board meetings and being the head taste tester of more than 3,500 products a year. “The candidate will be put through extensive palate training,” according to the description posted on LinkedIn by company CEO Jamal Hejazi. In addition, the person chosen will approve all candy in the company’s inventory and decide whether to award a treat with the official “Chief Candy Officer Stamp of Approval.”
Though no experience is necessary, the applicants must “love all things candy and chocolate” and be “passionate about confectionary treats and exploring unreleased and existing products,” the posting says.
Per AZ Central, a video about the job opening features employees talking about what they’re looking for in a leader: boldness, creativity and a willingness to give an honest opinion.
The job also comes with an “extensive” dental plan.
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