Watch: Meet the talented violinist trio, The String Queens

Lifestyle contributor Liana Brackett talked to the violinist trio, The String Queens, praised for their authentic, soulful and orchestral sound.

There’s no better way to celebrate Black Music Month than with three talented musicians described as “music with a mission.” Based in Washington D.C., Kendall Isadore, Dawn Johnson, and Élise Sharp make up the talented violinist trio called The String Queens. The String Queens work double lives as teachers, nurturing kids’ love for classical music. They created a sisterhood based on trust, creativity, and strings after noticing they didn’t see too many people who looked like them in the classical music space.

In January 2021, The String Queens were a part of a very special performance dedicated to Vice President Kamala Harris. Isadore described the experience as a “pinch me moment” after receiving the email request to pay tribute to the very first African American vice president of the United States. From Mozart to Beethoven to Harry Styles, The String Queens will always put a little “stank” in their performances.

Watch below.