Remembering the lethal Birmingham, Alabama, church bombing Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said the nation must own its uncomfortable history.
Black History Month
Thousands of Americans converged on the U.S. capital to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech.
Black History Month
OPINION: While he twice run unsuccessfully for president, Jackson had a profound and positive impact on American politics, paving the…
A judge tossed out a lawsuit seeking reparations for the 1921Â Tulsa Race Massacre. All plaintiffs are more than 100 years…
At 109, Viola Ford Fletcher is releasing a memoir about the life she lived in the shadow of the 1921…
Raymond Cassagnol, a Haitian pilot and Tuskegee Airmen, the famed group of Black military aviators during World War II, has…
Black History Month
For generations, the Black community had struggled against various forms of oppression and discrimination. Now, we celebrate our Freedom.