As a genre, hip-hop is worthy of analysis, debate and discussion, but I think we have a tendency to go…
Black History Month
On Juneteenth, Michael Harriot reminds us not to get it twisted. More enslaved people freed themselves than the Emancipation Proclamation.
Dear Culture
It’s still June in African America and that means a time-honored tradition is also upon us: Juneteenth, aka Freedom Day.
The American Black Film Festival is back in Miami after two years of virtual events due to the COVID-19 pandemic...
When Kendrick Lamar, aka Oklama, announced via social media that he had a new album dropping in May, well, the…
If I can just be honest here for a second, I don’t ever actually think that any of my “takes”…
I’m taking over the hosting duties for "Dear Culture," one of theGrio’s legacy podcasts, with a new vim and vigor—and…