A group of Atlanta business owners are taking their anti-Obama message to the streets.
“There’s a group of entrepreneurs, small business owners, that have frankly just said, ‘we’ve had enough’ and they’re taking the gloves off,” says Atlanta author and motivational speaker Tommy Newberry.
Newberry is an outspoken conservative whose books include, “The War on Success: How the Obama Agenda is Shattering the American Dream”.
He has now come forward as the spokesman for what he says are about a dozen business owners who hatched the idea for the billboards about two months ago.
He says they are political conservatives who are unsatisfied and troubled with the direction the Obama administration is taking America.
“The health care bill was maybe the final straw that set them off,” Newberry adds.
He says they asked themselves, “why don’t we use the free market to help slow the slide into socialism?”
They launched their website, Billboardsagainstobama.com, about two weeks ago and began putting up a half dozen of the rotating digital billboards Wednesday.
The billboard messages include “Stop Obama Socialism” and “Now It’s Personal. America’s Coming for You Congress! Vote Liberals Out in 2010!”.
The billboard website has gone viral.
“It’s overloaded,” says Newberry, adding that they’ve had to add extra capacity to handle several hits a minute.
He says they’ve now gotten contributions of anywhere from $1 up to $3,200 from Texas, Seattle, California and several other states.
Right now the group has about nine of the billboards in various parts of Metro Atlanta, but they hope to put them up all over the country soon.
Visit 11alive for the original story.