So, did everyone think that the Elena Kagan nomination was going to be easy? Ha, no.
Right out of the gate, the Republican National Committee — you know, that organization headed by Michael Steele, who recently opined that the GOP had not “done a very good job” giving African-Americans a reason to vote Republican — has released a statement slagging Kagan for her tribute to… uhm — Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American to serve on the Supreme Court. Smooth move!
In its first memo to reporters since Kagan’s nomination to the high court became public, the Republican National Committee highlighted Kagan’s tribute to Marshall in a 1993 law review article published shortly after his death.
Kagan quoted from a speech Marshall gave in 1987 in which he said the Constitution as originally conceived and drafted was “defective.” She quoted him as saying the Supreme Court’s mission was to “show a special solicitude for the despised and the disadvantaged.”