Study on Henry Gates arrest: Cambridge police don’t use racial profiling

The report by the New England Center for Investigative Reporting, which was published Thursday in the Boston Globe...

From WashingtonPost

The first of several studies looking into the arrest last summer of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., which attracted the interest of President Obama and became a national controversy, essentially clears the Cambridge, Mass., police department of the charge of racial profiling.

The report by the New England Center for Investigative Reporting, which was published Thursday in the Boston Globe, bases its findings on a review of the department’s handling of disorderly conduct cases from 2004 to 2009.

Of the 392 adults arrested for disorderly conduct, 57 percent were white and 34 percent were black. That racial breakdown almost exactly mirrored the racial composition of the population that Cambridge police investigated for disorderly conduct, the center’s analysis shows.

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