Obama to host Facebook town hall
NBC BAY AREA - President Barack Obama is returning to the Bay Area. This time, he'll be addressing the nation via Facebook...

President Barack Obama is returning to the Bay Area in a couple weeks. This time, though, he won’t be dining with captains of industry — he’ll be addressing the nation via Facebook.
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has signed on as host for an event that will begin Wednesday, April 20, at 1:45 p.m. The president will livestream his answers to user-generated questions into any computer that wants to receive it.
The topic, according to the White House, is a discussion on the tough choices the country faces “to put our economy on a more responsible fiscal path, while still investing in areas like innovation that will help our economy grow and make America more competitive.”
Facebook will be choosing questions for the president to answer during the event. You can submit a question at WhiteHouse.gov/facebooktownhall or click this link.
The Facebook visit is just one of the things the president will be doing during a two day visit April 20-21. He will also host a fundraising dinner in San Francisco and a morning breakfast (location TBD).