Republicans invite Obama to talk taxes

With just over a month until the United States face default on its loans, the Senate canceled its holiday recess, announcing plans to return July 5th.

“What we have to do is too important not to be here,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

There were still fireworks.

Some Republicans were clearly irked by the president’s criticism during his Wednesday press conference.

Senator Mitch McConnell threw down a challenge.

“The President says he wants to get working, wants us to get working. I can’t think of a better way than to have him come right on over today, we’re waiting,” McConnell said.

As the president left for a fundraiser in Philadelphia the administration insisted it is working on ending the stalemate, agreeing to budget cuts and open to more.

Democrats continue to press Republicans to bend on closing tax loopholes for the wealthy.

“The litany of subsidies that we’ve gone through from yachts to thoroughbred horses to jetliners of commercial entities all of these things are special favors in that tax code,” said Senator Richard Durbin.

Republican leaders maintain tax hikes are off the table.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has asked the president to come to Capitol Hill for more face-to-face discussions next week.

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