From Political Correction:
Even though Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is not participating in talks about raising the debt ceiling to avoid a default crisis, she continues to sound off on the debate to boost her presidential campaign. During an interview on Fox News last night, Bachmann put all of the responsibility for the looming crisis on President Obama’s shoulders, blaming the Recovery Act and the Affordable Care Act for pushing the debt to the legal limit.
BACHMANN: Here’s the issue. The president doesn’t want to have to be confronted with priorities in spending because he has a lot of chutzpah. He spent a trillion dollars on the stimulus. It failed. He spent a trillion-and-a-half every year on deficits. They’re his. And, also, Obamacare — trillions of dollars. This is his spending. He’s gotta own it and deal with it. […]
We wouldn’t be in this crisis right now if he wouldn’t have spent that trillion on stimulus and a trillion-and-a-half more than he should have on the budget and now trillions more on Obamacare.
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