From the Los Angeles Times:
Reporting from Washington— His approval ratings are down and the economic recovery is sputtering. But President Obama brings to the 2012 campaign one strategic advantage that previous Democratic presidential candidates would have envied: the money to compete everywhere.
Flush with more cash than all the Republican candidates combined, Obama’s reelection campaign envisions an electoral map every bit as expansive as that of 2008, when he picked up a string of states that had been safe GOP territory for decades.
Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia. Obama’s national momentum helped him pull off some improbable wins. Even Obama is doubtful he can duplicate his showing given the poor economy. He’ll need to “grind it out” in 2012, he said recently.
But along the way, campaign officials say, they are determined to use their financial clout to keep as many states as possible in play for as long as possible.
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