Loop21 has the story of Rush Limbaugh’s new controversial comments on the case of Trayvon Martin. Fresh from the fallout from his comments about a Georgetown law student, Limbaugh thinks that coverage of Martin’s death is “doing more harm to the black community than anything else.” He also speculated that the circumstances around Martin’s death and subsequent media coverage are part of a conspiracy to reelect President Barack Obama.
[youtubevid http://youtube.com/watch?v=yX181hY9juM]
He says that the story is despicable, that no good can come out of it and that people shouldn’t be so excited about it. By excited, we’re guessing he means protest?
He also wonders that since Trayvon was killed just 60 feet away from his home, why more neighbors didn’t see what happened and come forward.
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His biggest observation however is that he feels that the media coverage of the story is a ploy to get Obama reelected. Seeing as how Obama has spoke on the issue a whopping one time since the shooting happened.
He also says that the media is using the story to spread hate and anger. Game recognize game we suppose.
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