Childhood sexual abuse and AIDS in the black community are linked
theGRIO REPORT - New research raises the question of a link between childhood sexual abuse and a higher risk for HIV/AIDS...

Sweet’s study slightly contradicts the research of Greg Millett, a senior scientist at the CDC and the CDC Liaison to the White House Office on AIDS Policy. Millett says, “there is nothing in the data that shows blacks are more promiscuous or more likely to take more risks than their White [men who have sex with men] counterparts.”
He points to Washington, D.C., which has some of the highest rates of HIV in the nation. According to Millett, there are predominately-black zip codes within the city that have rates equal to Sub-Saharan Africa.
Researchers and activists alike understand that there is no one factor that defines why black America is hit hardest by the epidemic. But, many agree that the more information that can be gathered, the more it will help reach a true AIDS-free generation in the black community.
The findings were presented at AIDS 2012 and appeared in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency.
Andrea King Collier is a multimedia health journalist and lead author of the Black Woman’s Guide to Black Men’s Health.