In retaliation against a controversial, but effective, anti-Romney Super PAC ad, a right-wing pro-Romney group called Grassfire Nation has published the phone numbers of high-profile celebrity supporters of the president. Steven Spielberg, Bill Maher and Morgan Freeman are just a few of the famous figures who were targeted for exposure. The Huffington Post reports:
Grassfire Nation, an anti-Obama group, emailed its supporters with the telephone numbers of a number of Hollywood figures on Friday. The message was also posted on the group’s website with the numbers redacted.
“A pro-Obama Super PAC funded almost exclusively by leftist and Hollywood elites like Bill Maher ($1 million), Morgan Freeman ($1 million) Jeffrey Katzenberg ($2 million), Steven Spielberg ($100,000), JJ Abrams ($50,000) is responsible for a false and likely illegal attack ad on Mitt Romney,” the blast begins.
The ad in question tells the story of a woman who died of cancer and suggests that, had she not been laid off by Romney’s Bain Capital, she would have lived. CNN fact-checked the ad and found it to be inaccurate. The Romney campaign has disputed the spot’s accuracy and disparaged the Obama campaign for not denouncing it.
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