Mitt Romney: 'I am who I am'

Despite badly trailing President Obama in terms of which candidate voters find more likable, Mitt Romney says he’s not going to try to win over people through personality.

“I know there are some people who do a very good job acting and pretend they’re something they’re not,” Romney told Politico in an article published Monday. “You get what you see. I am who I am.”

At the same time, Romney went back to his college days to show that people do like him.

Related: Why is Mitt Romney talking about birth certificates?

““I was voted the president of my fraternity,” he said. “They don’t call them fraternities at Brigham Young University. They’re called Service Clubs. It was the Cougar Club. But you don’t get voted to be head of your group if you don’t get along with people, if you don’t connect with people.”

In the interview, describing his management style, Romney cited several business leaders, including Bill Bain, who founded the venture capital firm where Romney first worked, as well as Debra Lee, the head of Black Entertainment Television. He only recalled Lee’s title, not her name, according to Politico, but referred to her as “a highly effective manager.” (Lee is a backer of Obama and hosted a fundraiser at her home in Washington for the president in April.)

In speaking with Politico and USA Today on the eve of the convention, Romney continued to suggest the president has unfairly attacked him personally.

“I do think that the president’s campaign of personal vilification and demonization probably draws some people away from me,” Romney told USA Today.

When the paper pressed Romney on why he noted in a speech in Michigan last week that “no one has ever asked to see my birth certificate,” in what sounded like a nod to the false claims by some conservatives that the president was not born in the United States, Romney said he was simply being “human” and “spontaneous.”

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